An Emerging Technology Agency :: Connecting Art, Brands & Humans.

We value relevant, heartfelt interactions crafted through the lens of clear and thoughtful strategy.

We provide a 360 approach, working with some of the most influential artistic and creative minds of our time.

Our award-winning studio combines high-level thinking and partnerships across multiple technology fields.

Where AI Meets Imagination :: Innovating at the Intersection of Technology and Creativity

We are pioneers in harmonizing artificial intelligence with artistic vision.

We believe in the power of AI to enhance, not replace, the human creative process.

Our approach is rooted in expertise, driven by innovation, and dedicated to realizing creative potential.

We are more than an agency; we are collaborators in the creative journey.

Our use of AI is not just about staying ahead; it's about unlocking new possibilities in creativity.





  • Skilled Integration: Our team excels in blending AI with traditional creative methods, ensuring the technology serves visions, not the other way around.

  • Design Reimagined: By integrating AI, we offer rapid, innovative visual design solutions.

    Our technology assists in creating unique visual identities, ensuring every design is as original as their ideas.

  • Elevated Content Creation: Our AI tools support the crafting of compelling, authentic narratives.

    From SEO-optimized articles to engaging scripts, we provide content that speaks to audiences.

  • Tailored Solutions: We don’t just apply AI – we adapt it to meet specific creative challenges, creating a synergy between vision and technological expertise.

  • Insightful Data Analysis: We use AI to distill complex market data into actionable insights, helping us make informed decisions that resonate with target audiences.

  • Streamlined Video Production: AI accelerates our video editing and production, making it possible to deliver high-quality, customized content at pace.

  • Customized Digital Experiences: We leverage AI to craft personalized user experiences, creating a deeper connection between brands and audiences.

  • Collaborative Creativity: We work collaboratively, ensuring that our AI-enhanced solutions amplify creative narratives.


J.Harry Edmiston – Founder & Creative Director

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A visionary creative, deeply immersed in the Web3 ecosystem, with a focus on contemporary digital and blockchain art. His background in film and photography complements his expertise in blending strategies from both digital and traditional media, leading to the creation of unique and impactful projects.

Adopting an unconventional and collaborative approach, excelling in the development of inventive campaigns and the formation of strategic brand partnerships that have a significant global impact.

He has a track record of delivering specialist campaigns and establishing brand partnerships across key international markets, working both in-house and with external organizations.

Collaborations with entities such as CNN International, CNBC Catalyst, and Leica, alongside recent projects in digital art, AI, design, and photography with renowned figures like Kevin Abosch, Misan Harriman, Ross Lovegrove, Refik Anadol, and others, highlight his capacity to drive innovation and forge meaningful connections in the art and technology sectors.

Luca Fontana – Associate Creative Director

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Ceative Director and Architecture student with accumulated experience from working on a variety of creative initiatives with major global brands, artists & galleries, fostering strong relationships within a web3, art, music and architecture. Having experimented and worked with newer technologies such as AI, Web3 and blockchain, I have fostered strong working relationships and collaborated with some of the biggest names in Digital Art, AI and Design.